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A selfie competition

Congratulations to Kesia, who won the Easy-Going "selfie competition" !!

Yo can go on the site to read the selected selfies :

Here is her selfie :

Hello !!! My name is Jumping, I am a kangaroo. I am 16 years old. I took this selfie in my bathroom. This is not because I am a kangaroo that I don’t have the right to have my own bathroom. I took this selfie this morning. I take pictures of me every morning. I would like to say I am not narcissistic at all, but you won’t believe me. I am going to tell you an anecdote. You know I am a kangaroo, so I leap all the time. This morning, I wanted to try to take my breakfast in a cup. I usually take it in a bottle. Firstly, I put the milk in the cup, it was very difficult. By jumping, I spilt a little milk on me and on the floor. Secondly, I put chocolate in the milk, it wasn’t easy to do. Thirdly, I put my cup in the microwave. Fortunately the microwave is on the working surface and not in a closet.Then, I drank my breakfast with a straw. In addition I had to clean the floor and my clothes. Now, I know why my parents, my family and my friends take their breakfast in a bottle.
By Kesia

Voir en ligne : Congratulations Kesia

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